The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service has released another round of statistics regarding its “dynamic patrol” initiative downtown.
On a volunteer overtime basis, officers are working extra hours in the city’s core this summer, patrolling streets on foot, bikes and cars.
Between July 14 and July 28, eight officers spent a total of 48 hours patrolling the district: 7.5 on foot and 40.5 hours in cruisers or on a bicycle. “This is in addition to regular patrols of the downtown area by officers who are not working Dynamic Patrol,” says a news release from Sault police.
All told, dynamic patrol officers issued three provincial offence notices, responded to ten calls for service, made four arrests, and attended one community event.
For comparison, the stats for the two weeks prior were: 12 provincial offence notices, five arrests, 10 calls for service and two community events.