The following 5 accused will all be appearing in bail court this morning.
1. Stolen Vehicle and Impaired Driver
28 year Randy Bussineau of 22 Maple Street has been charged with 1 count of impaired driving, 1 count of failing to provide a breath sample, 1 count of theft over $5000, 1 count of possession of property obtained by crime and 1 count of breach of probation order. I t is alleged that on the 26th of June the accused was observed by officers driving in an erratic manner on Willow Avenue and Rush Avenue. When Police attempted to stop the vehicle the accused ran from the vehicle on Rush Street. Officers assisted by the K-9 Unit located the accused a short while later outside of 154 Great Northern Rd. The accused who was intoxicated by alcohol was arrested just before 10pm and transported to the station. The accused refused to provide a breath sample and was on conditions to abstain from the consumption of alcohol. The vehicle driven by the accused was a 2002 Kia SSX and had earlier been stolen from 23 Northwood Avenue. The accused will be appearing in bail court this morning.
2. Domestic Assault
A 45 year old male has been charged with 1 count of assault and will be appearing in bail court this morning. It is believed that on the 26 of June the accused assaulted his wife by punching her numerous times in the arm. Police were called and arrested the accused just after 8pm. The victim did not require medical attention for her injuries.
3. Sexual Assault
A 59 year old male has been charge with 1 count of sexual assault and will be appearing in bail court this morning. It is believed that on the 8th of June the accused touch a female known to him in a sexually manner. The accused name is not being released at this time due to the relationship between the victim and the accused.
4. Breach of Recognizance
26 year old Travis Gregory Tanner has been charged with 2 counts of breach of recognizance. It is believed that the accused was bound by a release document to abstain from communication with another individual and abide by a curfew. The accused breached both and was arrested by Officers on the 27th of June just after 12am.
5. Male Arrested on Outstanding Warrants
22 year old Graham Roy Tarrant of 680 Portage Lane was located on Queen Street East on June 26th just before 2pm. Officers from the Street Team Unit checked the accused and found him to be wanted on outstanding warrants for various offences including assault. The accused was arrested and transported to the station. He will be appearing in bail court today.
Impaired Driver
34 year old Gerald James John Kelly of 1287 Second Line West has been charged with 1 count of failing to provide a breath sample. It is believed that on the 27th of June just after 12am the accused was observed driving a 1995 Dodge Pick up on second Line West. The vehicle was stopped by officers and when asked to give a sample of his breath the accused refused. He was arrested and transported to the station. He will be appearing in court on the 11th of August.
Male Charged with Theft from Algoma Steel
22 year old Gregory Collins of 109 Bar River Road, Echo Bay has been charged with 1 count of theft under $5000. It is believed that the accused while employed by Algoma Steel stole 2023 ponds of brass from the grounds and took it to traders Metal to attempt to cash it in. The brass was recognized by staff to be that of the property of Algoma Steel. Police were notified and Gregory Collins was arrested while trying to return the brass. The total value of the brass was $2832.20. He will be appearing in court on the 28th of July.
Internal Theft Canadian Tire
18 year old Sean Roanald Bissonnette of 532 Morrison Street and 18 year old Matthew David Nogalo of 104 Prince Charles Crescent have both been charged with 1 count each of theft under $5000. It is believed that on the 26th of June at approximately 7pm Matthew Nogalo was working at Canadian Tire where he opened the Back Bay door to Sean Bissonnette who is also an employee at Canadian Tire. Once Bissonnette was at the door Nogalo handed him a Pioneer car stereo and two sets of Sony car speakers. Bissonnette than drove off with the items making no attempt to pay for them. The act was caught on security cameras. At 8pm the accused were both called to the office where officers had been called. They were both arrested and the property was recovered. Total value of the equipment was $399.97. Bissonnette is to appear in court on the 11th of August and Nogala will be appearing on the 29th of July.
Adult Male Shoplifter
35 year old James Augustin Syrette of 44 Nebengashing Road, Rankin has been charged with 1 count of theft under $5000. It is believed that on June 26th the accused attended Rome’s Independent Groceries and was observed by store security officers stuffing packages of meat into his clothing. The accused then left the store with making no attempt to pay for the products. He was arrested just before 6pm outside the store and Police were called. He is scheduled to attend court on the 28th of July.