Operation Impact results
This past weekend officers from both Traffic and Patrol Services participated in Operation Impact, an operation with a goal to make our roads safer and reduce traffic related injuries and deaths.
Officers conducted enforcement activities targeting impaired driving, seat belt use, and all aspects related to aggressive and distracted driving.
As a result of this initiative 46 Highway Traffic Act charges were issued for offences such as speeding, cell phone use, and seatbelts.
Also one driver was charged with over .08 and impaired driving, while another was issued a three-day suspension for registering a warn on roadside screening device.
Three drivers were charged with driving while suspended, two of which were repeat offenders.
Original release
Saving lives during operation impact
October 7-10, 2016 will mark Operation Impact, a national campaign to make Canada's roads the safest in the world.
This special weekend is a police initiative designed to remind people that an essential part of the enforcement job is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways.
Educating the public in safe driving practices is a priority. The focus will be on behaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users most at risk: impaired driving, seat belt use, and all aspects related to aggressive and distracted driving. All enforcement agencies across the country have been invited to participate.
"The deaths, pain and broken hearts that result from carelessness behind the wheel can be prevented," says Chief Robert Keetch. “Police agencies across the country are collaborating on this project because they have seen more than enough of that, and because they know that the involvement of the driving public is essential to achieve safer streets and highways."
This initiative has been strategically chosen, as it is a significant long weekend. More people are traveling and traffic crashes are more frequent.
Here in Sault Ste Marie we have seen the serious injuries and deaths related to vehicle collisions.
These are just numbers, but they represent moms, dads, sisters, brothers, loved ones, co-workers, and neighbours. In support of Operation Impact, officers from Patrol and Traffic Services will be conducting targeted enforcement this weekend to ensure that the roadways of Sault Ste Marie and Prince Township are safe for all who use them.