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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Male Charged with Robbery 25-year old Paul Edwards of 296 Old Goulais Bay Road, Goulais River, Ontario will appear in bail court this morning.
Male Charged with Robbery

25-year old Paul Edwards of 296 Old Goulais Bay Road, Goulais River, Ontario will appear in bail court this morning. It is alleged that the accused knocked an elderly male to the ground outside of a downtown establishment around 5 pm last evening and stole an undisclosed amount of money from the victim. The victim did not receive any injuries in the incident. Officers arrested the accused a shortly after 11 pm while he was walking along a street in the central part of town. An undisclosed amount of money was located on the accused. The accused had been drinking when arrested by officers. A query of the accused revealed he was on release documents with conditions to abstain from consuming alcohol and to be in his residence between 11 pm and 7 am. Mr. Edwards has been charged with one count of robbery and 2 counts of breach of a release document.

Male Charged with Assault

A 42-year old male will appear in court on February 28th after he assaulted his girlfriend yesterday afternoon. It is alleged that the accused pushed the victim down on a bed and held her so that she could not move. The accused also threatened to harm the victim if she called police. The victim did not receive any injuries. The incident took place in a downtown residence. The male has been charged with one count of assault and one count of threatening to cause death or bodily harm.

Motor Vehicle Collisions

City Police investigated 7 accidents yesterday, 1 involving injuries. Around 3:30 pm yesterday afternoon officers attended on Peoples Road in the 1000 block for a motor vehicle collision. A truck being operated by Bill Frigault of 3 East Braemer Bay was stopped on Peoples Road facing northbound waiting to turn into a civic address. A car driven by Edward Pascall of 1423 Peoples Road was also traveling northbound on People’s Road but was unable to stop in time and ran in to the back of the truck. Mr. Frigault and his passenger, Mario Laudadio of 8 East Braemer Bay, were both taken by ambulance to the Sault Area Hospital for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. Mr. Pascall has been charged under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario with one count of follow too close.


The public is reminded that there is no parking on city streets between midnight and 6 am. If your vehicle is on the street you could be issued a ticket for $15. Your vehicle may also be towed and then you have the additional cost of towing and storage. City Board of Work Crews is busy working on snow removal at night. So obey the by-law, save yourself some money and also make it easier for the crews who are getting rid of the snow.