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Tuesday, December 31, 2002

MULTIPLE CHARGES STEM FROM ASSAULT On October 25, shortly after 9:00 pm Guy Noel, age 36 of Vintage Way, Sudbury allegedly assaulted a 57-year-old male by pushing and punching him.
On October 25, shortly after 9:00 pm Guy Noel, age 36 of Vintage Way, Sudbury allegedly assaulted a 57-year-old male by pushing and punching him. During this assault it is alleged that Noel assaulted another 27-year-old male by pushing and punching. This assault caused bodily harm to him.

Guy Noel threatened to cause death and/or bodily harm to both victims. Both victims received cuts to their faces, along with bruising and injuries to their bodies. The incident occurred at a restaurant on Northern Ave.
Detectives from the Investigation Services Section of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service have charged Noel with Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Assault and two counts of Uttering Threats. Noel has been summonsed to court for February 3rd.

On the December 15, Benjamin Stubbington, age 21 of 108 Adrian Drive, allegedly assaulted a 23-year-old male by smashing a beer bottle on his head while at a bar on Queen St. East. Prior to this assault, the victim had been assaulted by another male and was on the ground.

The victim sustained a cut to the back of the head and a broken noise and two black eyes. He was taken to hospital for treatment. Yesterday at 10:05 am, the accused, Ben Stubbington was arrested by detectives for assault with a weapon. He will appear in court on Feb. 10th to answer to this charge.

Yesterday at an apartment in the 400 block of Korah Road, at 11:10 p.m., a 15-year-old male was yelling and shouting at a loud party. The accused, who had been drinking, was warned by police and his friends to stop shouting and yelling. When he continued, the youth was arrested for Breach of the Peace and escorted to the Police Services Building.

When the youth calmed down, he was released from custody with no charges. A 17-year-old male from the same party was arrested and charged with Threatening Bodily Harm/Death and Resist Peace Officer.

As patrol officers were investigating the noise complaint stemming from the parties loud music, the youth threatened to harm the people who he believed reported on him. The youth refused to comply with the officer's directions and was subsequently charged with Obstruct. He will appear in youth court in early February.

At 3:53 am, patrol officers were called to a residence on Portage Lane for a loud music/noise complaint. Officers encountered a large party going on at the residence and spoke to the resident of the dwelling. A police records check revealed this 17-year-old male had numerous outstanding arrest warrants.

When officers arrested the youth, he resisted and struggled with Police. He was brought under control and escorted to the Police Services Building.

He has been charged with Resist/Obstruct Peace Officer, Trespassing at Night, Threatening, Assault, Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Forcible Entry, Failing to Appear in Court, three counts of Breach of Undertaking, and three counts of Breaching a Young Offenders Probation Order. He will appear in Bail Court today to answer to his warrants/charges.

Another male, Brent Garson, age 19 of 645 Portage Lane was observed by Police Officers outside of his residence cursing and swearing at the police as they were dealing with the noise complaint. Garson refused to identify himself to police when questioned.

Garson appeared intoxicated to the officers and was subsequently arrested for Causing a Disturbance. Garson resisted arrest and struggled with Police. He has been charged with Causing a Disturbance and Resisting a Peace Officer. He will appear in court in Feb.

Another male, Curtis Erb, age 18 of 645 Portage Lane, was arrested by officers for Obstructing Police when he interfered with their investigation of the loud music/party complaint noted above.

Erb assaulted a constable by pushing him in the chest and then punching him in the head area. The accused continued to struggle with Police and resisted arrest.

The police officer gained control of the accused and escorted him to the Police Services Building. He has been charged with Assaulting a Peace Officer and two counts of Resisting Arrest. He will appear in court in February.

One more male, Steven D. Tanner, age 18 of 22 George Lane, was arrested by police officers after he pushed and attempted to punch them.

Tanner resisted arrested and struggled to get away from the officers as they affected his arrest for Assaulting a Peace Officer, Resisting Arrest and Breach of Probation. He will appear in court in Feb.

At 5:05 am this morning, police responded to a call of a male trying to break into an apartment on Pine Street.

Emergency Services Unit members went to the area and located a male in the rear of the apartment complex walking around outside in shirtsleeves.

The male, Sean Seguin, age 23 of 807 Trunk Road was found carrying a concealed Louisville baseball bat in his pant leg.

Officers arrested and charged him with Carrying a Concealed Weapon and Possessing a Weapon Dangerous to the Public. He will appear in court on February 10th.