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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Theft Under $5,000 45 year-old Pauline Martin of 27A Albion Street and 24 year-old Kayla Williams of 33 Crystal Place were arrested on the 26th of March around 8:30 pm and charged with one count each of theft under $5,000.
Theft Under $5,000

45 year-old Pauline Martin of 27A Albion Street and 24 year-old Kayla Williams of 33 Crystal Place were arrested on the 26th of March around 8:30 pm and charged with one count each of theft under $5,000. It is alleged that on the 24th the two attended at Dean’s Food Basics on Pine Street where they had found a wallet that had been left behind in a checkout. The two accused were identified by police on a surveillance camera on the 25th of March. The two will appear in court on the 25th of May.

Youth Charged with Possession of a Weapon

A 15 -year old male was arrested on the 26th of March at a local High School and charged with one count of unauthorized possession of a weapon. It is alleged that yesterday afternoon the accused attended at the school and was observed with a switchblade by a teacher. Police were called and the accused was arrested just after 2 pm. The youth will appear in court on the 1st of May.

Caught Stealing From Rome's

Yesterday afternoon it is alleged that 48-year old James Nott of 277 Northern Avenue attended at Romes Independent Grocers on Great Northern Road and stole items of a value of $42.54. He was apprehended by store staff and police were called. The accused was arrested and charged with theft under $5,000 and will appear in court on the 30th of April.

The following three persons will appear in bail court this morning:

1) A thirteen year-old male was charged with two counts of breaching a court document on the26th of March. It is alleged that on the 25th of March the accused left his residence without permission and without supervision in which he was on conditions to do so.

2) A 17 year-old male was arrested on the 26th of March and charged with two counts of breaching court documents. It is alleged at 2 pm yesterday afternoon the accused attended at a residence and communicated with a person he was on conditions not to communicate or associate with. At that time he was on probation with conditions to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. Police were called and the accused was arrested shortly after.

3) Yesterday evening police were called to a business on Pim Street regarding a male that was on a release document with conditions to be in his place of residence 24 hours a day. The accused 26 year-old Daniel Villeneuve was located by police just after 10 pm and charged with one count of breach of release document.

Two reports of break and enters were received yesterday:

1) Some time between 5:30 am and 6 pm yesterday a home on Wallace Terrace was entered. Some change and jewellery were taken.

2) Some time between 11 am and 4 pm yesterday a home on Parkinworth Place was entered. Items taken were some money and a Play station 2 with some games.

The Sault Ste Marie Police Service would like to take this opportunity to inform business owners and their employees of the following safety tips regarding robberies:

• Never confront the robber.

- Do not argue, fight, chase, or resist the robber in any way. This will only make the robber nervous. The suspect or suspects may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol which may make their behaviour more aggressive and unpredictable.

• Co-operate with the robber. (Remember your safety is more important then money or property).

- Let the robber know that you will follow their instructions.
- The robber may be even more nervous than you are.
- Use “yes” responses rather than “no”.

• Try to make the robbery go as smoothly and quickly as possible.

- Remember the safety of other staff, customers and yourself. (Robbers seldom hurt people who co-operate with them).

Tips on reducing your chances of a robbery:

• Increase the visibility in work areas.
• Install good outside lighting
• Train staff to check lights before dusk.
• Ensure the inside of the store is well-lit and visible through windows.
• Make sure windows are not obscured.
• Share information with co-workers and neighbouring businesses whenever suspicious or criminal incidents occur.