Two youths to appear in bail court
Yesterday afternoon members of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested two young males, aged 12 and 13, for robbery and weapons offences. It is alleged that on Monday May 30th at approximately 5:30 pm the two youth attended in the area of the Parkland School playground and robbed two teenagers of an IPod and a cigarette case. At the time of this offence it is alleged that the accused used a knife to rob the victims.
It is further alleged that on Saturday May 28th at approximately 9:00 pm the 12-year-old male attended on Dacey Rd. and robbed and threatened a teenaged male by pulling a knife on the victim and demanding candy from the victim or he would be stabbed. On Sunday May 29th at approximately 7:00 pm the 12year-old male is alleged to have threatened another 12-year-old youth with a knife on Kerr Dr.
The 12-year-old male is charged with two counts of robbery, one count of threatening death and two counts of assault with a weapon.
The 13-year-old male is charged with one count of robbery and one count of attempted robbery.
Both youth will be in bail court this morning.
Female arrested for breach of probation
Yesterday afternoon members of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested a 47-year-old female for breach of probation. It is alleged that the accused female attended at the residence of her ex-boyfriend when she was prohibited from doing so. The accused is charged with one count of breach of probation.
Cyclist charged
Yesterday morning city police investigated a collision involving a cyclist and a motor vehicle on Great Northern Rd. and the entrance to Home Depot. As a result of police investigation Kathleen Hannah, age 18 was charged with one count of “Cyclist- ride along sidewalk” under the Highway Traffic Act. It is alleged that the accused was riding her bicycle on the sidewalk and failed to yield to a vehicle at the intersection. The accused was transported to the Sault Area Hospital with minor.
Attempted arson
Yesterday morning city police were called to a business in the 400 block of Pim St. regarding a possible attempted arson. Officers attending the location found a bottle that had contained a rag and a flammable liquid. The bottle had been thrown through a window at this location. No fire had been started and the investigation is continuing.
Break and enter
An attempted break-in to a garage was reported in the 100 block of McFadden Ave.
A break-in was reported to the H&S Sports compound in the 100 block of White Oak Dr. Unknown if anything was taken.
A window on a vehicle was damaged in the 100 block of Kehoe Ave.
A store window was damaged in the 300 block of Wellington St. W.
Two youths were seen damaging a garden in the 300 block of Wellington St. E.
Bicycles were reported stolen from the 100 block of trunk rd. and the 500 block of Wallace Terr.
An attempted theft of automotive parts was reported from a business in the 200 block of Bruce St.
An IPod was reported stolen from the 1000 block of Trunk Rd.
If you have any information regarding these crimes or any other crime, call Crime Stoppers at 942-7867 or 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS); submit an e-tip from the Crime Stoppers web site at or text keyword SSM with your tip to 274637.