We offer TCM acupuncture in Orillia and nearby towns, and also offers Cupping, TCM Herbal remedy, and Moxa, these techniques are effective in healing diseases. And we do direct billing to most insurance companies and WSIB. We are good at: Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder pain, Foot pain, PMS, painful period, Fibromayalgia, Depression, Tinnitus, ED, Anxiety, Cosmetics acupuncture, Senior tonify. Contact: acupuncture-orillia.com, +1(705)996-7188, +1(833)788-3388. acupuncture.oestopath@gmail.com
10 Peter st North
Our licensed Acupuncturist Studied acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China and praticed since 2000 in Ontario. Grew up in a TCM family, thus has rich experience in treating a lot of diseases. Studied Osteopaths in Toronto and graduated in 2012.