Bill Spicer from The New Fly Fisher loves to catch brook trout and pike. So does Mike Nedza, winner of the 2015 Algoma That Real Contest.
The best wilderness location place for both Bill and Mike? Mar Mac Lodge in Northern Ontario in the heart of Algoma Country.
This beautiful full-service lodge is located on Esnagi Lake, near Chapleau Crown Game Preserve (the largest game reserve in the world). Esnagi Lake possesses incredible pike and walleye fishing.
A short hike away, on a small lake, brook trout abound. The jewels of the north average 2 - 3 lb with 5 lb specimens being very common.
This is the perfect blend of warm water and cold water fishing for a fly fisher. Best time of year to catch all species on a fly is May and June into early July.
Bill loves this time of the year as you can hook into some real giant pike on topwater flies. Topwater action for pike is incredible and very visually exciting.
Bill recommends you bring tarpon poppers in red and white coupled to 8 or 9 weight rods.
- Colin McKeown
Read more about fishing at Mar Mac Lodge