Situated in the hills of Algoma, Dave and Amanda built their homestead by embracing the surrounding wilderness. Working sustainably with what is seasonally available on and around the Wilderstead, they provide a line of natural products and wild food as well as a variety of vegetable seeds suitable for growing in northern climates.
In keeping with the goal of working with nature rather than against it, Wilderstead products are harvested seasonally and in limited quantities so that they are never taking more than the ecosystem can support. This also means that the product line will change over time and may sell out quickly. Seasonal wild products include maple syrup and sugar, wild fruit jams, birch oil and syrup, and wild mushrooms.
In addition, the Wilderstead product line includes items grown, raised, or created on the homestead. These products are also seasonal in nature including seeds, seedlings, produce, preserves, and useful handcrafted items.