Filmmaker Dr. Michael Loukinen to visit the Sault
The Chippewa County Historical Society and Bayliss Public Library [in Sault Michigan] are co-sponsoring a program to be held at the library on Wednesday, June 22 at 7 p.m.
Sociologist/filmmaker Dr. Michael Loukinen will speak about his almost 40 years of making films about the U.P., including those about Finnish and Ojibwe cultural themes.
He is Professor Emeritus from Northern Michigan University and director of Up North Films.
Loukinen will provide an overview of his work along with excerpts from various films.
His latest film, Winona: A Copper Country Ghost Town, was recently shown on public television.
His DVDs will be available for purchase.
The event is free and open to the public.
Refreshments will be provided.
For more information about Loukinen and his films, see
Bayliss Library, an affiliate of the Superior District Library, is located at 541 Library Drive in Sault Ste. Marie.
Please enter by the front door, since the rest of the library will be closed that evening.
For more information about the library, see here; for more information about the historical society, see here.