Does tinsel distract you?
Do take pleasure in revealing to your friends and loved ones how they've disappointed you throughout the year?
Have you ever wanted to pin your dinner host in a wrestling match?
If you answered yes to these questions, then Arcadia Coffee House (823 Queen St. E.) has the holiday show for you.
Although traditionally celebrated on December 23rd, Arcadia will observe Festivus on Sunday, December 28 as local bands gather to air their grievances and perform feats of strength.
Hopefully they'll actually play some music, too.
Performers include Kalle Mattson, Nebraska Arms, The Outside Lights, Retrofit Kettles, and DJ Seith.
Admission to this all-ages event is $5 at the door.
Show time is 7 p.m.
You may even witness a Festivus miracle or two.
Click here to learn all you need to know about Festivus.
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