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A new band debuts at the Speak Easy

Oh crap! Just when we thought they were no longer naming stuff around the Sault after Roberta Bondar, Marco Pedalino has to tell us that he's part of this new band called ...
Oh crap!

Just when we thought they were no longer naming stuff around the Sault after Roberta Bondar, Marco Pedalino has to tell us that he's part of this new band called ...


The rocket-fueled assemblage of three men (Marco Pedalino, Marc Muto, Mark Rand) and a guy (Guy Thiffault) will play Algoma University College's Speak Easy this Saturday.

They'll also be at Hempfest on August 26.

The following is the official bio stolen by us from Bondar's Music site.

To go there and add Marco's men (and Guy!) to your MySpace friends list please click here.

Mark, Marc, Marco.

What do you get with three similar sounding names?

Not much.

Until you add a fourth party.

Yes, a fourth party to add a smidgeon of diversity to this otherwise repetitive sounding group of MEN.

Enter Guy.

Now we have something.

Bondar was formed in early 2006 by Marco Pedalino, Marc Muto and Guy Thiffault.

After numerous attempts to sound unique, Bondar decided to adopt the fraile, yet blossoming talents of one Mark Rand.

At last, the band had a chance to combine the varying influences and creative ideas of all four members.

Marc Muto and Guy Thiffault, hailing from a previous band known as "The Hangdowns" had already established a unique rhythm that united them as a team.

However, what they needed was new influence.

New talent.

A new look.

Shortly after "The Hangdowns" had disbanded, the two rockers had aquired the talent of a man by the name of Marco Pedalino.

Marco had a generous rap sheet, including playing for such bands as "Downfall" and "Barfly."

Marco's wailing leads, solid rhythms and amazing vocals brought a new dimension to this rising pheonix of a band.

After jamming, writing and pining for a sound for two months, Bondar decided that they needed another element to their project.

Mark Rand, an aspiring recording artist decided to try out for the band.

Low and behold, his talents proved to be the key element to which this band was lacking.

Luckily, it didn't take long for the new member to fit in with the other three talents.

After playing in the popular, girl crazed band called "Fuller," Mark had surprisingly unleashed the elements of timing and skilled guitaristing.

Now here we have it.


A band that was formed from four completely different and separate entities that managed to come together despite their cosmic destiny.

With songs like The Red Song - an epic description of the conflicts that one can experience while dating a woman; to 6 Hours - an outline of the struggle that one can have versus substance abuse, Bondar has revolutionized the Indie music scene.

Get ready for a demo recording circa summer 2006.

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