Fall programming at the Art Gallery of Algoma will mark this important anniversary by presenting Algoma Discovered exhibition of art by Group of Seven artists, exhibition of photographs 'Algoma Through My Eyes', juried selection of photographs from an open competition, and a community art project Reflections on Algoma, exhibition of three-dimensional depictions of Algoma landscape which is open to all age groups. 'Algoma Discovered' (Oct. 4 to Nov. 24, 2018), exhibition produced in partnership with the Algoma Fall Festival is presented by RBC.
The AGA acknowledges and appreciates the support and partnership with RBC, main sponsor of the exhibition. In addition, the AGA acknowledges lending institutions: Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery, Art Gallery of Sudbury, Art Gallery of Peterborough and Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University.
“RBC is thrilled to support Algoma Discovered, bringing the works of Group of Seven to our community so together we can honour their vision of where we call home,” said Kevin O’Connor, Vice President and Branch Manager, RBC Dominion Securities. “We are a longstanding supporter of the arts and its power to enrich and connect our communities, and we invite everyone to join in celebrating this important anniversary.”
This exhibition will feature artwork on loan from other public art galleries and private collections as well as from the permanent collection of the AGA. Group of Seven artists found continuous inspiration in Algoma landscape. They visited Algoma many times since 1918, fully developed their style during that time and in 1920 the Group was formed. The founding members of the Group of Seven are: A.Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, J.E.H. MacDonald, Arthur Lismer, Franz Johnston, Frederick Varley, and Franklin Carmichael. Three artists were later invited to join the Group: A. J. Casson, Edwin Holgate and LeMoine FitzGerald. Some members of the Group continued to visit Algoma and paint in Algoma throughout their lives. A. J. Casson officially opened the newly built AGA building in September of 1980.
"The Algoma Fall Festival is pleased to once again partner with the Art Gallery of Algoma to bring these extraordinary works of the Group of Seven to our community to celebrate this momentous anniversary." said Rosetta Sicoli, Festival President.
Majestic landscape of Algoma is forever depicted in the paintings of Group of Seven as an example of a truly Canadian landscape, something that all Canadians can identify with and people who live in the area are extremely proud of. Connection between the Group of Seven and Algoma remains strong to this day. Many artists visit the area to paint, most in the similar style as the Group of Seven.
During October and November the AGA will offer five art classes: Painting in the Group of Seven Style on Saturdays – click here or call 705-949-9067 ext. 107 for details or to register.
Last but not least, the AGA is thrilled to host the performance by the National Ballet of Canada in the exhibition space for the first time. This performance, inspired by the works of Lawren Harris, Group of Seven founding member, will add a valuable element to the exhibition. We look forward to presenting this new and stimulating experience at the Gallery connecting visual art with music and dance, in partnership with the Algoma Fall Festival!
Algoma Through My Eyes (Oct. 4 to Nov. 24, 2018) exhibition will feature between 25 and 30 photographs that will be selected by a jury from close to 200 entries! Competition is open to everyone, last day for submissions is Sept. 10. People were asked to submit a photograph of a place that inspires them the same way the Group of Seven artists were inspired by Algoma landscape.
Reflections on Algoma exhibition will be created during October and November 2018 and inspired by the Group of Seven art on display during that time. It will be on display from mid Dec. 2018 to mid Jan. 2019.