Take a spin to the Speak Easy this weekend for Algoma University Alumni's gathering Friday, June 2.
It features Big Wheel and the Spokes and their new CD, fresh from the box today.
A rare full-band appearance by the Chris Belsito Band will start things off about 9:30 p.m.
This double whammy of superb local original talent (Belsito Band above with Big Wheel and the Spokes below are shown) is sure to entertain.
The Belsito Band will be celebrating a recent glowing review of Belsito's And Cinnamon by judges in the 7th Annual Great American Song Contest.
"The contest was created by songwriters for songwriters with high-level industry judges who provide feedback and evaluation for the songwriter," says Belsito's website. "Although Belsito didn't make it to the winner's circle, the judges reviewed the song positively, rating it far above average."
And Cinnamon can be found on Belsito's fourth disk, Fade Dissolve and on the limited edition full length performance DVD that can still be found included with some copies of the Fade Dissolve CD.
And Belsito's label, Murderous Butterfly Music, also offers the brand new CD from Big Wheel and the Spokes featuring Jay Case, Frank Deresti and Cliff Alloy.
This hot, jazzy trio is sure to light up the stage at the Speak Easy Pub tomorrow night and you'll want to grab a copy of their brand new CD while you can because they didn't make very many.
Doors open at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, June 2nd for this very special alumni party.
Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 at the door are available from the Alumni Council at Algoma U, CD Plus, and the George Leach Centre on campus.
An autographed New York Rangers jersey is the door prize.