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Brats a no show, but not reallly (photos)

The show must go on. This was the motto for the 100 or so all-agers who ventured out Tuesday night to see Brat Attack at the Oddfellows Hall. Yes, it seemed the evening was cursed from the get go. I arrived at 7:30 p.m.
The show must go on.

This was the motto for the 100 or so all-agers who ventured out Tuesday night to see Brat Attack at the Oddfellows Hall.

Yes, it seemed the evening was cursed from the get go.

I arrived at 7:30 p.m. and Brat Attack had not yet appeared.

From the constant feedback to an exceedingly pesky smoke detector, the ungodly temperature inside the hall to a brief visit by local police, it was amazing any music got played at all.

My favourite part was watching the show's promoter, Anthony Albidone dart back and forth between this issue and that in a blur of perfectly quaffed mohawk and stress.

9 p.m. and still no Brat Attack.

Opening bands Brain Tuel, As It Stands and O.B.C.D. trudged through the sea of difficulties and kept the crowd moving and more than sufficiently entertained.

By 11:45 p.m. there was till no sign of Brat Attack.

I headed for home disappointed that the headliners were a no show but impressed at the heart, energy and support displayed by both the audience and the three local openers.

Yesterday afternoon I received the following message from Albidone.

"The Brat Attack rolled in around 12:30 because they got caught by a bunch of construction which put them back like five hours. So they felt bad about not making it again so they played a private show lastnight in my buddy's garage with me, him and four other of my friends. It was pretty chillin'."

So, not a no show at all just a bit behind, the Brat Attack gave a few youngsters an experience most only dream about.

Very cool indeed.

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