On Friday, April 15th, the Water Tower Inn will be hosting a special event in support of the Algoma Regional Cancer Centre.
The event, which has been named "Sass" will be featuring vocalist Donna Hilsinger performing a series of classic songs with the accompaniment of Paul Dingle on piano.
The event will also showcase an exhibition of art by Sherie McKay entitled “Metamorphisis”.
In between Donna Hilsinger's musical sets will be guest performances by local performers Chris Belsito and Lynn Reville.
"Sass" will be held in the Grand Hall Ballroom of Algoma’s Water Tower Inn. Tickets are $25.00 per person. There will be complimentary hors d’oeuvres and desserts, and cocktails will be available.
Arrival at 8:00 pm with show to follow.
This event is in support of the Algoma Regional Cancer Centre. All proceeds from ticket sales will be receipted as a charitable donation from the Sault Area Hospital Foundation.
Tickets available at Algoma’s Water Tower Inn Reception desk.
For further information contact Donna Hilsinger at 945-7632.