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Electric surge detected. Thanks to YSP! WSD! (photos)

Did you know that You Say Party! We Say Die! (YSP! WSD!) front woman Becky Ninkovic has super powers? OK. She really doesn't. But in a recent interview with Dose.
Did you know that You Say Party! We Say Die! (YSP! WSD!) front woman Becky Ninkovic has super powers?


She really doesn't.

But in a recent interview with, the sponsor of the the band's current cross-Canada tour, she recounts how she sent a lightning bolt from the tip of her finger straight to the forehead of a front-row fan via a faulty microphone ground.


There were no such shocking displays from Ninkovic, or any other member of YSP! WSD! during their Tuesday night gig at Loplops Gallery-Lounge.

That doesn't mean the evening was any less electrifying.

Leading the charge sporting an adorably sexy new do, a sultry black dress and a beautifully wicked set of pipes, Ninkovic along with Krista Loewen (keys), Stephen O'Shea (bass), Derek Adam (guitar) and Devon Clifford (drums) broke new ground at the typically roots/folk/blues venue.

Commonly referred to as dance punk and grouped with the bringers of "the new wave of new wave," YSP! WSD! unleashed an hour-long set of its turbulent and completely compelling electro grooves, boosting the audience to cause near structural failure through fits of dance.

Or reasonable facsimiles thereof.

"That was by far he most fun I've had while not drunk," said local songstress Shannon Moan following the show.

"What an amazing night," said O'Shea. "This is a great venue. I definitely wanna come back and play here again."

The flawless night of pure exuberance was opened by Toronto's Lioness, whose own five-song EP was officially released Tuesday.

The pulsing and distorted drum and bass rhythms of former Controller.Conntroller members Jeff Scheven and Ronnie Morris, topped with Vanessa Fischer's rolling vocals all but guarantees that the band's below the radar flight will be extremely short lived.

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Donna Hopper

About the Author: Donna Hopper

Donna Hopper has been a photojournalist with SooToday since 2007, and her passion for music motivates her to focus on area arts, entertainment and community events.
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