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Entire community invited to take part in virtual art exhibit

Art Gallery of Algoma wants you to create artwork based on pieces in the permanent collection
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We live in an extraordinary time. There are no simple answers to explain what the future will bring. It is truly life in a present moment. How do we want this moment to be? The Art Gallery of Algoma (AGA) would like to offer a virtual exhibition and interactive community project for individuals and whole families.

Art is All Around Us
This virtual exhibition features a selection of art from the AGA’s permanent collection. It consists of paintings that represent different styles, time periods, artists, and they vary thematically.

We would like to invite you to do your interpretation of one or more paintings that speak to you. You can re-create a painting, respond to it in your own way or create your answer to a feeling that a particular painting provokes in you. To create your artwork, use any found objects in your home, yard, shed, garage such as paper, fabric, yarn, containers, boxes, cardboard, wire, branches... anything that is readily available as we are practising social distancing and that works for your creative idea. Follow your feelings, look at colours, shapes, composition of the paintings and allow yourself to be playful, imaginative and inspired.

Please send a photo of your creation to:

All submissions will be added to the virtual exhibition daily. This will be a community exhibition that will be developed and will grow over two weeks, from April 16 to April 30.

All submissions will be paired with their inspirational artwork so please indicate the painting that you are responding to (your response can look very different).

Voting will start after two weeks of submissions and will be open for one week, from May 1 to May 7, 2020. We will announce a winning creation on our web page and AGA’s social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The winner will get a family membership for one year to the AGA.

As Henry Matisse said, “Creativity takes courage.” Be creative and courageous, feel inspired and take chances. We can’t wait to see what our community will create! Have fun doing it!

Please visit our website to see the exhibition and submit your creation!

