A former Saultite will walk the red carpet during this year’s Oscars ceremony at Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on March 4. Paul Austerberry was given an award nomination in the Production Design category for his work on the Ontario-filmed cold war drama The Shape of Water. Also nominated in that category are Beauty and the Beast, Blade Runner 2049, Darkest Hour, and Dunkirk.
Directed by Guillermo del Toro and starring Sally Hawkins, Octavia Spencer and Michael Shannon, The Shape of Water was nominated for 13 Oscars in total. They include Best Achievement in Directing, Best Motion Picture of the Year, and Best Original Screenplay.
Along with his The Shape of Water production colleagues Jeffery Melvin and Shane Vieau, Austerberry has also been given an award nod for Production Design from the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA). The BAFTAs will be presented on Sunday, Feb. 18.
Austerberry is a graduate of Sir James Dunn high school where his father Peter was also a teacher. Additional film credits under his belt include Pompeiii, The Three Musketeers, X-Men, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Men With Brooms, and Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy.
The 90th annual Oscars ceremony will air on ABC on Sunday, March 4 at 8 p.m. ET.