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From Ice Age to Mexican drug cartels

NEWS RELEASE SOO FILM FESTIVAL ************************* First ever Soo Film Festival concludes call for entries, announces screenwriting workshop SAULT STE. MARIE, MI - The first ever Soo Film Festival has concluded its call for entries.



First ever Soo Film Festival concludes call for entries, announces screenwriting workshop

SAULT STE. MARIE, MI - The first ever Soo Film Festival has concluded its call for entries.

Film festival organizers announced this week that they have a full line-up of submissions for the festival, including documentaries, features, shorts, and music videos.

All submissions have roots in the Great Lakes, including two filmed in Sault Ste. Marie.

Organizers also announced a screenwriting workshop July 26 with well-known screenwriter Michael Wilson.

Michael Wilson created the story and characters for Fox’s Ice Age franchise and co-wrote the screenplay for the first film.

He recently completed the first draft of Ice Age V.

He is currently working on Blood In, Blood Out for Warner Bros., an "R"-rated original screenplay about Mexican drug cartels, sold to the studio with director Gavin O'Connor.

Michael, who has family ties in Sault Ste. Marie, wants to help promote Soo Film Festival and nurture screenwriting in the area.

Details about the workshop will be announced shortly on the festival website,

The Soo Film Festival line-up will be announced during the first week of July.

Steve Hamilton, a member of the festival advisory board and well known author, had this to say about the upcoming festival:

“As a Michigan native with a strong interest in the Upper Peninsula, having set ten books up there and plans to do more, and becoming more and more involved in the film industry myself, I could not be more excited to see the creation of the Soo Film Festival. It's a venue that I'll hold close to my heart for as long as it exists, and I'll be looking forward to bringing more material there myself.”

The Soo Film Festival takes place August 1-2, 2014, at the historic Soo Theatre in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Soo Film Festival, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and host film and allied arts festivals in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 

Soo Film Festival, Inc. seeks to showcase the work of independent and emerging filmmakers from the Great Lakes of North America while bringing movies back to downtown Sault Ste. Marie and the historic Soo Theatre. 

Our Mission: Great Lakes, Great Movies!


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