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Kidz Summer Festival is this Saturday!

Celebrate Summer! The 2nd Annual Kidz Summer Festival is being celebrated this Saturday June 17th @ Roberta Bondar Pavilion. There is a ton of fun planned from 10am to 3pm.

Celebrate Summer!

The 2nd Annual Kidz Summer Festival is being celebrated this Saturday June 17th @ Roberta Bondar Pavilion. There is a ton of fun planned from 10am to 3pm.


There will be an Archery demo, a bubble pool, the Teddy Bear Surgical Unit, Sho Shoe Fun, Caution and Chance, Finger Printing, Face Painting, Mini Putt, Bike Rodeo, K-9 Unit, Little Yellow Bus, Hug a tree, and way more stuff that all kidz love to do.


Pass it on to all the little people that you know! They might even spot Elmer, Katie the Kangaroo, Buckles, Sparky or Zap!

Wow Katie the Kangaroo is going to be there? I'm in!

For more information please call the Sault Ste. Marie Safe Communities office at (705)-759-2548.