Joining Big Wheel and the Spokes on stage and the Alumni Party was the Chris Belsito Band.
The Chris Belsito band is Belsito, Craig West, Ed Young, Lindsay Pugh and Jay Case, of course.
Shown is Craig West, Chris Belsito and Ed Young.
It was a rare full band appearance and the band was in top form.
Case, who penned all the lyrics on Barley Soup for the Funky-Ass Soul, joined the Belsito Band about a year and a half ago and says that Belsito and other local musicians are fodder for his creative soup.
"You're learning every time you get up and play with someone live whether you play on a stage or in a basement or in a garage or what ever," said Case. "Seeing local musicians live really inspires me."
Case, Deresti and Alloy also performed on Belsito's latest CD Fade Dissolve and Big Wheel and the Spokes' premier CD is on Belsito's label, Murderous Butterfly Music.
One more magic ingredient in Barley Soup for the Funky-Ass Soul is Crank Sound Distribution and it's daddy George Ravlich.
Ravlich recorded Barley Soup for the Funky-Ass Soul at Loplop Gallery and Lounge then took it home to mix and engineer Big Wheel and the Spokes' flavourful auditory feast.
Deresti also says that lack of sleep contrasted with plenty of time together helps to make the sound of Big Wheel and the Spokes real.
He told that the last track on the CD was recorded the day after it was written and that he played the bass lines on Why Not Try for the first and second times for the two takes it took to record the track.
"We had been up until 5 a.m. with the November All Stars the night before," said Deresti. "I came in that day we were recording and heard the bass player from the November All Stars playing the song with Jay and Cliff and I really liked it so it went on the CD."
Case said that the wealth and variety of experience, Deresti and Alloy bring to the band really inspires him to dig deep and try new things.
"It helps me grow as a musician," said Case.
Barley Soup for the Funky-Ass Soul is a dish everyone will love as soon as they get a taste of it.
Keep visiting Big Wheel and the Spokes' brand new website to find out more about upcoming shows, including a tour they hope to take late this summer or early in the fall.
Go see them live and pick up a CD to take home and dance to while cooking up your own batch of barley soup.