Flick That Makes You Think
PLOT- Great novels usually make for interesting films. The Da Vinci Code was no exception. Author Dan Brown tells the story of, “The biggest cover up in history.” Director Ron Howard manages to shed some light on this incredibly compelling religious conspiracy theory. The exploration of the theory on how artist Leonardo DaVinci left hidden messages within his paintings that questioned the validity of parts of the bible. Remember tho folks, this is a work of fiction!
CAST- Can’t beat the star power of Tom Hanks as a leading man. Not his finest performance but the film was not dependant on it’s lead character. It was obvious that this film was plot driven.
FEAR FACTOR-Pretty scary scenes throughout of some pretty gruesome religious practices. OUCH!!!
TEAR FACTOR- Not a tear jerker. There will be tears only if your rear end gets sore...cause this puppy runs nearly 3 hours.
OVERALL MOVIE GOODNESS-FANTASTIC FILM!!! Ron Howard gives us a gem that leads us to ask questions about the only book that has sold more than Dan Brown's best seller- the bible itself.
Go see this film, it makes you think.
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