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Ojibwe playwright to introduce new theatre production in the Sault

Sault Theatre Workshop hosts special charity preview of Drew Hayden Taylor's 'God and the Indian'
2019-05-09 Drew Hayden Taylor
Drew Hayden Taylor

Celebrated Ojibwe playwright and author Drew Hayden Taylor will be in Sault Ste. Marie to kick off the run of his play God and the Indian at the Sault Theatre Workshop.

Directed by Randi Houston Jones, God and the Indian runs May 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 at the Studio Theatre (121 Pittsburg Ave.). Taylor will attend the preview charity night on Tuesday, May 21, which is open to the public. Part of the proceeds from this special preview will go to Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services.

While panhandling outside a coffee shop, Johnny, a Cree woman who lives on the streets, is shocked to recognize a face from her childhood, which was spent in a residential school. Desperate to hear the man acknowledge the terrible abuse he inflicted on her and other children at the school, Johnny follows Anglican bishop George King to his office to confront him.

Cast in the roles of Johnny and George King are Carolyn Hepburn and Chuck Holgate. After only one other appearance onstage in 2006, Hepburn recognizes the enormity of the role she has undertaken. “I want to do my best to honour the survivors,” she said.

Holgate, too, understands the importance of presenting this work: “I have developed a heightened appreciation of the generational damage that still continues from the years of the residential schools.”

Director Houston Jones also spoke of the effect on survivors. “I am very connected to the First Nation culture and am appalled at what happened in those schools. I wanted to give the audience an opportunity to understand the real and lasting impact residential schools has on survivors.”

At its core, God and the Indian explores the complex process of healing through dialogue. This compelling and vital piece of Canadian theatre explores what is possible when the abused meets the abuser and is given a free forum for expression.

The Sault Theatre Workshop is proud to present God and the Indian by Drew Hayden Taylor at the Studio Theatre May 22 – 26, 2019; special preview night on May 21. Tickets are on sale now at the Station Mall Box Office. Ticket prices are $29 for adults, $27 for seniors, and $19 for students. For more information, or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, please call 705-946-4081.


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