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Ready for prime time

PHOTO RELEASE LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY ************************* The 2013-14 Lake Superior State University Dance Company poses on the LSSU Arts Center main stage during a recent evening practice.



The 2013-14 Lake Superior State University Dance Company poses on the LSSU Arts Center main stage during a recent evening practice.

From left to right are Rayann Basawa, Anna Lehman (new member), Beth Antonello, Taryn McInnis (new), Kayla Price (new), Kelsi Moher (new), Olivia Francis, Jenna Perry, Mr. Jory Kettles (new), Kitty Drockton, Heidi Rasmussen, Susan Drockton, Brielle Smith (new), and Kristen Boyea.

"This group of dancers is very focused, dedicated to the program and everyone works very well together," says LSSU dance professor and company director Deborah Choszczyk. "I am thrilled with the enthusiasm and support each member has for the other. We can only grow and excel with such dedication and cooperation."

The company will be volunteering at the Sault Chamber of Commerce Chamber Chase road run and performing during at LSSU's Fall Fling, both on September 28.

The dancers have been invited to perform at Northern Michigan University in October and in Sault-area churches during November.

The semester wraps with the company's traditional Festival of Trees benefit on LSSU's campus December 6.

Photo by Drew Putvin for LSSU

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