Red Wood Central, the acoustic roots based duo of Michelle "Red" April and Al Wood, returns from Ottawa to perform a special show at their old stomping grounds on the stage at the Downbeat Lounge on Sunday, March 27th.
Red Wood Central was formed in 1995 and has released two CDs and a third on the way. The duo keep their blues trimmed down to the roots with old-style picking and folk inspired harmonies.
Red Wood's strong vocals and pickin' stylings will once again be complimented with the unwavering Sault-based groovemaster Lindsay Pugh tugging at the bass strings.
As an added bonus, Ottawa-based singer-songwriter Lynne Hanson will be making her Steel City performance debut as opening act for the RWC. Hanson has an uncanny ear for the right melody, a sharp songwriting pen, and a unique style of performance that she will be unleashing for the first time at the Downbeat Lounge.
For more information on Red Wood Central, click here.
For more information on Lynne Hanson, click here
Show begins at 10:30 pm. The Downbeat Lounge is located at 740 Queen Street East (across from PUC). For more information on the Downbeat Lounge, click here.