It seems that Dave MacMillan, proprietor of UpperCase Bookstore, is a pretty easy man to please.
Slip him a couple of pencils to stick behind his ears as he munches a roast beef sandwich while watching a movie where some poor cat is electrocuted while chewing a string of Christmas tree lights and he's in heaven.
Maybe it's love sickness.
Who knows.
He's shown with another soulful man who is easy to please.
That's Alex Chornyj and he is a poet who helped launch the wildly successful poetry nights at UpperCase last August.
One thing is for sure, there should be at least a little bit of romance going on at UpperCase bookstore tonight for the Valentine's Day poetry night.
Bring some peanut butter and a spoon.
That's McMillan's portable happiness inducer.
Door opens at 8 p.m. it's free, and don't anyone tell McMillan that poetry is like love.
You aren't supposed to get it, you're supposed to feel it!
Just be the poem, man.
Here's what MacMillan had to say about it:
I heart macchiatos... roast beef sandwiches... tuborg beer... shoes... fashion, for that matter... 2B pencils... modern rock... my new mp3 player... seinfeld... magazines... chocolate... going out for breakfast... not having to work on Sundays although I still do... eating peanut butter from a spoon... david mamet movies... chevy chase... ahhh dave, you silly, simple man.
Valentine's Day is coming up... that's where I'm headed with this.
Starting at 8 p.m. is poetry night right here at uppercase.
I'm sure that there will be some poets expressing their love of things greater than macchiatos.
I never really get poetry though.
But if you do, I hope you can make it out.