Sault Musical Comedy Guild will be their Spring Show, "A Celebration of Youth," an original musical revue of numbers from well known Broadway Musicals, directed by Lesley Walsh-Tibben with several of our cities talented youth peforming the numbers.
"A Celebration of Youth" will feature a bevy of youthful talent including Amy Albidone, Kt Antler, Ariella Arbus, Stephanie Bakker, Angela Duncan, Chantal Fletcher, Cameron Johnson, Jeff Jonusaitis, Kirsten Keizer, Brianna Niro and many more.
The Guild's own Timothy Murphy, 1st Vice President along with Desiree Ostroski and Sarah Rooney will provide choreography for the show.. This presentation is dedicated to the founding members of the Guild many of whom will be present for the Saturday performance which will be followed by a reception in the Trixie Hardy Rehearsal Hall at the Theatre Centre.
"Celebration of Youth" will be taking place on May 13th and 14th at the Kiwanis Community Theater Center. Curtains for the show are at 8:00 pm.
This special performance is being sponsored by Thomas Walls School of Music, MCTV, The Sault Star, Station Mall, and RK Graphix.
Tickets are $20 and are available at Station Mall Box Office or by calling 945-7299.