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Single and Sexy casting call

Casting call (theatre) - Paid positions Roles are available for the 12th annual production of Single and Sexy at Algoma University. These are paid positions (stipend).

Casting call (theatre) - Paid positions

Roles are available for the 12th annual production of Single and Sexy at Algoma University.

These are paid positions (stipend).

Lighting design tech, lighting board operator and stage manager positions are also available.

Flexible schedule.

Casting requirements: Roles for both male and female actors able to play within the age range of 18 to early 20s.

Production Date: One show will be presented Wednesday, September 4 (one evening performance) to incoming first year AU students.

To apply:  If you are interested, please submit an email outlining related experience.  

A photo is appreciated.

Some singing is required (parodies of pop music), so please indicate your experience/comfort level in this regard.

Everyone who applies will be contacted and an opportunity to audition will be scheduled.


"Single and Sexy has received national and international acclaim, with adaptations produced at universities and colleges across the country, in Australia and New Zealand."

"Single and Sexy takes a comical, yet realistic look at the lives of seven first year students… high-energy, entertaining, non-judgmental, straight-shooting, powerful presentation of scenarios and attitudes frosh are likely to witness or experience."

A very general rundown of the characters in this play follows.

Please note that the characters all play within obvious stereotypes but undergo quite major shifts as the various episodes/scenes progress.

  • Heather (perceived as the responsible girl, wholesome, secretly anorexic)
  • Beth (perceived as naive, innocent - is easily influenced)
  • Nona (perceived as the promiscuous sort - is worldly, flirty)
  • Nick (stereotypical jock, has racist views)
  • Curtis (Nick's residence roommate, perceived as the geek/an innocent)
  • Damon (a musician, Nick's boyfriend, overachiever) ** must play keyboard or another instrument that may work with pop music OR be comfortable with using digitally recorded music
  • Steve (perceived as the ladies man, is later perceived as more talk and less action/conservative)
  • Ho-Li (Asian, homophobic - well... a complex guy. Role may be played by female actor)

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