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Student fashionistas unchain aliens for cancer research

PHOTO RELEASE LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY ************************* Lake Superior State University marketing student Helena Wollan (center, tongue out) poses with the cast of last year’s benefit fashion show, Superheroes vs. Fantasy .



Lake Superior State University marketing student Helena Wollan (center, tongue out) poses with the cast of last year’s benefit fashion show, Superheroes vs. Fantasy.

For the past two years, Wollan’s original costumes and choreography have tapped the talents of area businesses and Lake State students to raise thousands of dollars for the American Cancer Society.

Her programs are invariably part music video, part performance art, and all color with a heaping dash of sauciness.

Wollan’s third consecutive spring show, Aliens Unchained, is April 18 at 7 p.m. in Kewadin Casino DreamMakers Theater, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Admission is by donation.

Follow “Aliens Unchained Fashion Show” on Facebook for the latest updates.


(PHOTO: LSSU/Drew Putvin)

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