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The return of The Re-Mains

I've always thought of Aussies as somewhat akin to we Canucks. It might be the whole British Commonwealth connection and the fact that collectively, the two lands were at one time treated like the House of Hanover's thrift store.
I've always thought of Aussies as somewhat akin to we Canucks.

It might be the whole British Commonwealth connection and the fact that collectively, the two lands were at one time treated like the House of Hanover's thrift store.

There's the love of a cold pint or five and subsequent raucous conduct, a reputation both Canadians and Australians have been branded with.

We're like mischievous children grounded to opposite ends of the house to give Mom and Dad a break from the hullabaloo.

But everyone wants to be our friend and we get invited to all the kid's birthday parties.

Some very talented folk from Down Under arrived in our vast nation this past May, bought a Chevy van for $800, and have been validating their recent Rolling Stone Magazine four-star rating at every pub, club and festival that'll host them.

Friday, June 6 saw The Re-Mains on stage at Loplops Gallery-Lounge playing to an audience drawn by their fresh take on something often abused.

Country music.

The Re-Mains took country music deep into the Outback, plugged it in, turned it up to 11 and demanded it not emerge until it successfully won the heart of Joan Jett and stole June Carter from the arms of Johnny Cash.

The Re-Mains return to Loplops Gallery-Lounge on Tuesday, July 8 at 9:30 p.m.

Be prepared for some rock banjo, Aussie accents with a southern twang, some interesting nomenclature and one really, really good time.

Admission is $5 at the door with all proceeds going into Curtis', the aforementioned Chevy van's, gas tank.

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