‘Vocal’ Pitches for Possibilities is a fundraising event in support of Pedals for Possibilities and the United Way. This is a social event where you can visit with friends, eat some tasty food, listen to some good music, and participate in a unique, gathering event.
The event is on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 and will be held at the Water Tower Inn Pub. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $20.
You don’t need to be a professional singer or even know how to sing at all! The beauty of singing in a group atmosphere is it brings people together and sounds beautiful because of how voices naturally blend together. This group singing is supported by a live band and a group of local volunteer musicians.
United Way programs change lives by identifying and removing barriers to services, education and employment; moving individuals and families within our community from poverty to possibility.
Tickets are available at the United Way office, the Centre for Social Justice and Good Works, and Starbucks at the Water Tower Inn. More information for the event is available on the Facebook Event page “Vocal Pitches for Possibilities” or by calling 705-256-7476 ext. 217.