Bill Mason inspired film festival stops in the Sault, ONT. for one night only.
On Apr. 7 2017 at Sault College, second year Adventure Recreation and Parks Students will be hosting the Waterwalker Film Festival.
The Festival starts at 7:15 p.m. in M1030 Essar Hall and tickets are only $10 at the door. Proceeds support the Algoma Highlands Conservancy.
Welcome back the beautiful weather and get ready for paddling season with 18 films from amateur and professional filmmakers who want to inspire your soul and free your spirits in the memory of the late Bill Mason, a great conservationist, canoeist and filmmaker
“The medium of film is for me a means of expressing my love and enjoyment of the natural world, and of sharing my concern for what’s happening to it with anybody who looks and listens.” If you love the outdoors then this night is for you!
Don’t miss out on your chance to experience the Waterwalker Film Festival.