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Full service for 90 years in all weather

Robert Massie, one of the six attendants, is calling it quits after working at Sault Michigan's Superflite Marathon gas station for 23 years

It's been a staple for many in Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Superflite Marathon Full Service Gas Station. It's been around, in the same location, since 1932.

That's 90 years folks.

The key words are "full service." There are not too many full service stations around anymore.

They clean the snow off the cars, check your oil, and ask how your day is going. They even keep dog treats around for those customers that have their dogs with them.

Rain, snow, sleet, rain and bitter cold is no match for the six attendants on staff.

Allison Floyd has been a repeat customer for three years now.

"Very rarely do I go to any other place for gas because I really like all the guys. They are really nice to me," she said. "Last year on occasion, I would bring them candy."

Robert Massie, one of the six attendants, is calling it quits after working at Superflite for twenty three years. His last day is Dec. 23.

He says he will miss the daily connection and conversation with his co-workers, his regulars and the tourists. They all have treated him right. Just like family.

"During the holiday season, people will bring us cookies... so many that we have to take them home or give them away ourselves," Massie stated.

He added, "We have had people out there in the coldest of weather, and we get it done, I even got yelled at by a lady who told me I better keep those gloves on!"

When asked about how or why does he keep his prices even with other self-serve stations in town, he said.

"We always have, over the years, have matched anybody in town to keep the price down. Every morning Matt will drive around the loop to see what the other prices are."

But Massie and his other workers do so much more than full service gas.  

They hold food drives, pop can collections, among others. It's all about helping out the community, he says.   

As for a farewell party, one co-worker of Massie barked out when I was leaving the station. "We are going to have a big party! The day after he leaves!"

Now if that doesn't sound like "family", I don't know what does.

Happy retirement, Robert.


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