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Update on power outages: city decommissioning warming station

Power restored to all but 150 customers, says PUC
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As power has been restored to most areas of the City, the City of Sault Ste. Marie in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross will decommission its warming centre located at the Water Tower Inn.

Any residents that may continue to be affected by the power outage and that require assistance should contact the PUC emergency number at 705-759-6555.  

“I want to recognize the efforts of the crews at the PUC who worked hard to restore power and who will be working hard until power is restored to all customers, along with the Canadian Red Cross and community partners who stepped up to provide support,” said Mayor Christian Provenzano. “We will continue to monitor the situation and provide assistance to residents affected by the outage. I want to thank the public for their patience, and in particular, I want to recognize all of the community members who took the time to check in on and look after their neighbours.”  

Any additional updates will be provided as required through the City’s social media channels.


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