The following information and accompanying photo were supplied by the Local 12 branch of the Ontario Nurses' Association:
Ontario Nurses recognize the challenges our communities have faced over the past nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) members from Local 12 felt it was especially important this year to support our local community during the holiday season and donated $1,000 to the Sault Ste. Marie Christmas Cheer Fund ONA Local 12 wants all families and individuals in Algoma to have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season.
ONA Local 12 includes:
- The Group Health Centre, Algoma Public Health, the Northeast LHIN, Paramed, Lady Dunn Health Centre (Wawa), Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner Clinic
- Nursing Homes: FJ Davey, Mapleview, Cedarwood, Van Daele, and the Algoma Manor (Thessalon)
- Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner Clinic