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Total Personnel Solutions is looking for labourers

The company will be hiring on the spot and, if you are selected, they will complete a fit test for half and full-face masks
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Employment Solutions, in partnership with Total Personnel Solutions, will be hosting a job fair on Thursday, April 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The job fair will be held at Employment Solutions, on the 4th floor of Station Tower at 421 Bay Street.

Total Personnel Solutions (TPS) takes the time to learn and understand the culture and nature of your business. As a result, the recruits you receive are suitable for integration into YOUR organization.

TPS has over a half century of combined Management and HR experience, and over a quarter of a century of combined experience specializing in Safety and Compliance. This assures the customer is receiving workers that are safe, diligent and competent.

Total Personnel Solutions is hiring for multiple labourer positions for upcoming projects and opportunities within Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding area. They will be hiring on the spot at this job fair.

If you are selected, Total Personnel Solutions will complete a fit test for half and full-face masks. Please arrive clean shaven and do not smoke for 30 minutes prior to arrival.

Those interested in interviewing for a Labourer position should attend the Total Personnel Solutions Job Fair on Thursday, April 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Employment Solutions. Please bring your resume and any certifications.

If you would like assistance preparing for this job fair, drop in to the Employment Solutions office on the 4th floor of Station Tower or phone 705-945-0705. Find more information about our services online at and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


