Well, they did it again!
Mike Moore Construction Ltd. (MMC) is pleased to announce a second successful external audit in the Certificate of Recognition (COR™) program in Ontario by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA).
COR™ is the national standard for health and safety management systems in the construction industry.
There are presently only a handful of other companies who have been able to accomplish this very prestigious certification and enter into a second cycle of the auditing process. MMC’s first cycle audit achieved COR™ certification in 2013, the 40th company in Ontario to do so.
Mike Moore Construction is the only COR™ certified company in Sault Ste. Marie and sits among just a handful of companies in Northern Ontario who have earned their certifications under this program.
Each cycle begins with a full external audit, followed by two additional yearly internal audits of the existing health and safety management system. It means submitting more than 3,000 pages of documentation every year that are scrutinized and assessed against this international standard.
The purpose of this certification is to show workers, subcontractors and buyers of construction that Mike Moore Construction actually practices what they preach. MMC doesn’t just have a big safety binder collecting dust on a shelf, they have successfully implemented every document into their daily operations.
Under the direction of Erin Ryckman, Mike Moore Construction’s Health and Safety Program has made a measurable impact on subcontractors over the past three years.
Each subcontractor must complete a comprehensive and site-specific hazard assessment for every single site they enter. “There is genuine buy-in to keep safety attached to daily priorities,” says Ryckman, “Safety doesn’t operate as its own entity, but it must remain a part of every decision made on every single site.” Mike Moore Construction has focused on showing subcontractors that safety doesn’t have to be costly and it doesn’t have to be complicated.”
Remaining a forward-thinking company with an honest motivation to keep all workers safe has been crucial to achieve COR™.
The COR™ certification is trademarked nationwide and is sanctioned by participating members of the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Association (CFCSA).
By realizing COR™, MMC is able to distinguish itself from the competition by showing that not only do they have a health and safety management system, but they have a system that actually works.
Ensuring that every MMC worker and every MMC subcontractor adheres to the same standards, requirements and expectations keeps everyone on the same page
“We are continuing to lead the way in safety, proving yet again, that the small companies can actually achieve COR™, remain competitive and keep workers safe,” said Mike Moore, MMC’s president.