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(Sister M. Rachel)

It is with sadness that the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie announce the death of Sister Marguerite Vick on January 3, 2020 at St. Joseph’s Motherhouse, North Bay, Ontario.

Sister Marguerite was born in Fort William ON (Thunder Bay) December 16, 1940.   She was known to her family as ‘Betty’, the eldest child of Marguerite Childs and Edmund Vick.  She is survived by her brother William (Bill), sister-in-law Mary Anne and predeceased by her sister Marlene (Kruger), and loving aunt of Michael, Karen and Barry Joseph.  The family grew up and resided in the community of West Fort, a part of Fort William.   

Sister Marguerite entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, September 2, 1957, from her home parish St. Elizabeth’s, Fort William. She generously served the congregation and others in Sturgeon Falls, Wikwemikong, Sudbury and Port Arthur in the ministry of cooking and housekeeping.  Following completion and graduation from the R.N.A. (Registered Nursing Assistant) program in Elliot Lake in 1971, Sister Marguerite served in Elliot Lake, Thunder Bay and North Bay.  

Marguerite was a tireless learner when it came to addressing the needs of seniors. Following an educational opportunity in St. Louis, Missouri, where the focus was ‘care’ of the elderly, Marguerite returned to Thunder Bay and completed an internship at St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she assisted with rehab activities for clients.  She then returned to the Motherhouse in North Bay focusing her skills in providing care to the infirmary sisters, with a particular emphasis on recreation stimulation and validation therapy. It was during this time that a collaborative venture was initiated with her counterpart at Casselholme, Bobbi Bidgood.  Both programs and participants benefited from this mutually rewarding partnership.

For several years, Sister Marguerite participated and enjoyed her connection with the North Bay Weavers Association.   Along with others, she provided leadership in ministry to the North Bay separated and divorced support group, a ministry she embraced when working with the people of Yellowknife.

In 1997, Sister Marguerite joined Sister Cecily Hewitt in the far North, Inuvik.  It was here that Sister Marguerite brought her skills, and experience in Validation Therapies to the long term care residents at the Inuvik Regional Hospital.  It was here that she also heard the wisdom stories of the lnuit and Dene residents.

In 1999, Sister Marguerite responded to the needs of Yellowknife residents at Aven Manor, as representative of one of the local parishes.  An Associate program for the Sisters of St. Joseph was initiated.  Sister Marguerite retired to the Motherhouse in 2010.  Here, Marguerite gave witness to others of the gift of quiet abandonment and serenity.

Marguerite was known by her friends, family, sisters and clients for her gift of interest in people, always ready to live and share the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, bringing unity, reconciliation, peace, and hope to each person she met.

The body of Sister Marguerite will be received at St. Joseph’s Motherhouse at 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 7.  Everyone is welcome to join the Congregation for an Evening Prayer Service at 7:00 p.m., in the Holy Family Chapel.  Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Chapel at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 8.  Burial will follow at St. Mary’s Cemetery, North Bay, Ontario.

May Sister Marguerite Rest in Peace.