BATCHEWANA FIRST NATION - The Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in partnership with the Batchewana Police Service, Sault Ste. Marie Police Service and Parks Canada have joined forces in conducting focused patrols on Whitefish Island.
Whitefish Island is a rich cultural site in downtown Sault Ste. Marie just below the International Bridge with the St. Marys rapids flowing through it. The island is a short walk across the Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. locks and is a historical site that was formed more than 2000 years ago.
As an aboriginal settlement, trading was done on the island and fish were a major source of food due to its abundance. In 1997, the island was returned to the Batchewana Band who maintain the island today. Trails surround the island for people to explore and utilize the area in its natural setting and gain knowledge of its historical past.
The partnership will conduct patrols on the island to protect one of Canada's significant examples of natural and cultural heritage.
"The conservation of the island is a priority of all partners involved. Through engagement we strive to preserve and maintain for the public's enjoyment, one of Canada's Historical Sites." - Acting Staff Sergeant Manuela Byrnes.