WAWA - On June 29, 2013 at 4:00 am the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Superior East Wawa Detachment was advised of a group fighting outside of an apartment building on Mission Road in Wawa.
Upon arrival no individuals were found outside of the building.
Investigation led police to one person located inside an apartment that had uttered threats against numerous persons that had been in the area.
As a result, 19-year-old Clint Cadreau was arrested and charged with the following criminal offences:
- Utter threat to cause death or bodily harm (x3)
- Mischief under $5,000
- Cause disturbance
- Breach of probation (x2)
The accused was held in custody pending a Bail Hearing in Sault Ste. Marie on July 2, 2013.