(Galbraith Township, Ontario) Two bridges on Highway #670 north of Bruce Mines, Ontario have been closed due to flooding.
The two bridges that have been closed are:
Wannamaker Bridge #2 which is located approximately 7 kilometers from the Junction of Highway 638 and,
Wannamaker Bridge #3 which is located at the Junction of Highway #670 and the Shaw Road in Dunns Valley.
The third bridge that is located on Highway #670 has not been closed but the MTO are keeping a close eye on it. This bridge – Wannamaker #1 is located at Mills Road.
Once the flooding subsides at the bridges the MTO will be checking for any structural damage before the bridges are opened. The OPP want to remind motorists to stay off the bridges until they have been officially opened up by the MTO.
There is no alternate route through this area.
For any updates on the closure, contact the MTO Road Information Line at 1-800-268-4686.
Hwy 11 and 655 Now OPEN
The Ontario Provincial Police advise the public of the following highways are now open.
Hwy 11 – from Hearst to Cochrane
Hwy 655 – from Timmins to Smooth Rock Falls
Detachment area: several
Time of road closure:
Hwy 11 – 1:30pm OPEN 11:45 pm
Hwy 655 – 6:30pm OPEN 11:45 pm
Reason for the closure: Poor weather and driving conditions.
Detour: NONE
Estimated duration of closure: unknown – when weather clears up.
Time road reopened: 11:45 pm
Note: Detailed motor vehicle collision information will be provided by the detachment as it becomes available.