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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Uncooperative Drinking Driver-- Charged (Blind River, Ont.)– OPP stopped a car under suspicious circumstances and arrested the driver for several offences on Wednesday evening. At approximately 8:00 p.m. an Officer with the East Algoma O.P.P.
Uncooperative Drinking Driver-- Charged

(Blind River, Ont.)– OPP stopped a car under suspicious circumstances and arrested the driver for several offences on Wednesday evening.

At approximately 8:00 p.m. an Officer with the East Algoma O.P.P. observed what he believed a speeding car approach him from the rear while on Hwy 17 near Blind River. The driver was suspected to be under bail conditions and was stopped for investigation.
The officer noted signs of recent consumption of an alcoholic beverage and began an investigation. When the driver was questioned and requested to submit to a roadside screening device for alcohol he fled on foot . He was apprehended a short distance from the car and arrested for failing to comply with the officers demand.

Charged is25-year-old Roddy RYDALL of Blind River.

RYDALL is charged with the following:
Fail to Provide Breath Sample- Approved Screening device
Fail to Comply with Undertaking
Obstruct / Resist Peace Officer

RYDALL was held for Bail court in Sault Ste. Marie this date.


(East Algoma – Blind River, Elliot Lake, Thessalon) – Motorists are warned to be extra careful while driving in our area, especially at night, according to Cst. Jim Davis of the Ontario Provincial Police.

“Every year a number of people die as a result of collisions with animals,” Davis said. “Damage to a vehicle and its occupants can be serious. Animals that stand high on their legs (moose, deer, etc.) can roll onto the hood and into the windshield of a vehicle after they have been hit.”

Collisions with deer and moose are common at this time of year. Snow that covers the animals’ normal feeding grounds forces them into the open as they look for food. Bright headlights of vehicles stun the animal, frequently causing it to freeze on the spot instead of running away.

There are a number of areas in the East Algoma where motorists are apt to encounter animals on the roads. Motorists should take the following precautions to help avoid collisions with animals:

- Use eye lead time and be aware when you are in an area that has wildlife, especially if signs indicating animal crossing are posted;
- Do not overdrive your headlights; this will allow you to see an animal and stop in time to avoid hitting it;
- When animals are observed ahead, slow down until safely past them;
- Search for a second animal, close behind, after the first animal has been passed safely;

“Be alert for animals, especially in wildlife areas and on open highways in farm or ranch country,” states Cst. Davis “If you spot a wildlife sign on the side of the highway, slow down and proceed with caution, especially at night. Expect a surprise, animals are unpredictable.”

Trailer Fire - UPDATE

(Iron Bridge, Ont.) – Police and Fire officials have left the scene of a Fire that broke out at a hunt camp located North of the Village of Iron Bridge.

The Office of the fire marshal is NOT attending in this incident.
The fire is not suspicious in nature. It is suspected that a heater left on was the heat source of the blaze.
No injuries were sustained by any of the camp members who were from the Greater Sudbury area.


(Aweres Twp., ON) A break in to a shed and back porch of a residence on Birch Grove Road in Aweres Township was reported to OPP yesterday evening.

The break in occurred between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Items stolen included a rechargeable battery, saw, wrenches and various other tools.

Anyone with any information is about this crime is asked to contact the Sault Ste. Marie Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or submit your E-tip to