Are You a Gambler
What if I told you that the odds are 90% in your favor? Would you gamble on the 10% chance? If I told you that 2 seconds of your time could save you $110.00 would you invest the time? What if I told you that 1 course of action might result in a 25% chance in your death would you gamble on the other course of action? Given these odds most gamblers would make the smart play. Last year out of 444 deaths in traffic crashes 111 person who lost their lives were not wearing their seat belts. Did you know that the leading cause of death for persons age 3 to 35 is motor vehicle crashes? Take the 2 seconds it takes to put your seat belt on and improve your odds.
Sault Ste Marie Detachment of the OPP are hoping that we have no more tragedies like the crash we had last month where a local woman lost her life in a motor vehicle crash. Failure to wear a seat belt was a factor leading to this needless death. Those who wear seatbelt know within seconds of putting their vehicles in motion that they forgot to put it on. Driving down the highway and telling an officer I forgot to put the belt on is not believable. Seat belt laws have been in place for over 30 years as such officer will be taking a zero tolerance approach to violations observed.