The rate of drinking and driving on P.E.I. is approx. double the national rate. The province is seriously considering issuing special license plates to convicted drunk drivers. The special 'drive of shame' plates would indicate their past DUI's
1776 total votes Added
I think it's a great idea, do it! Nothing else seems to be working. 463 votes 26.07%
Branding drunk drivers vehicles is not the answer. 377 votes 21.23%
Other severe deterrents don't seem to work, a public shaming is a whole other level of deterrent. I vote do it. 250 votes 14.08%
Everything has failed, it's time for zero tolerance. If you drink and drive you will lose your license for life. Period. 595 votes 33.50%
I don't know. 91 votes 5.12%
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