Annual “Ted” Talk on August 9
Lake Superior State University Humanities professor Dr. James “Ted” Walker returns to Bayliss Public Library on Thursday, Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. with another fascinating topic of art history.
This time he will speak about “Salvatore Dalí and the Art of Surrealists: A Challenge to the Modern World.” The strangeness of Surrealist images led many to dismiss the style as bizarre and empty of meaning.
The first paintings were made in 1929, ten years after the end of World War I and a decade before the outbreak of World War II. Dalí, Luis Buñuel, and René Magritte offered their art as a criticism of the Western intellectual tradition they believed responsible for war and the deaths of millions. In this presentation, the paintings will be deciphered so that the depth of surrealist criticism can be better understood.
Dr. Walker retired seven years ago after 40 years of teaching; 30 of which were at Ferris State University. He has a degree in history from Lake Superior State University, and graduate degrees from Western Michigan University and Florida State University. Currently, he is teaching as an adjunct professor at LSSU.
Ted’s talks are not to be missed. Join us for a thought-provoking adventure into history. The Friends of Bayliss Library will provide refreshments.
Bayliss Public Library, a Superior District Library, is located at 541 Library Drive in Sault Ste. Marie. For more information, find us on Facebook or check our new website
Bayliss Public Library
A Superior District Library
541 Library Dr.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783