SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. - After a one month hiatus Downtown Sault Ste. Marie Cash Mob is back! This month’s Cash Mob will be hosted Saturday Sept. 22. Cash Mobs are flash sales that boost revenues and encourage the support of small business. The community is invited to surprise a retail business that will be randomly selected from a hat by 'mobbing' their register with cash.
Those planning to participate in the Cash Mob are asked to gather at the Farmers’ Market pavilion shortly before 11AM for the reveal of the business to be the lucky recipient of September’s Cash Mob! 'Cash Mobbers' will then proceed to the selected business to spend twenty dollars, walking out with a smile having shopped locally supporting small business! The gathering location at the Farmers Market will be marked with green balloons and cash mob signs.
More than 20 individuals, families and children and even a few dogs attended July’s Cash Mob, husband and wife owners Zac and Christy Crook of Crooked Music, LLC.
The team noted, “It’s inspiring to see members of the community rallying to support local businesses. It was also a great opportunity to introduce ourselves, our products, and our services to customers who may not have come into the store otherwise.”
For questions regarding the Cash Mob contact the Downtown Development Authority office via phone or email. Phone: 906-635-6973 or