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3 Ways Technology Will Impact 2022

2022 is set to be a monumental year for technology. Continue reading to familiarise yourself with the ways in which it is set to impact the next year

In 2022, technology is set to continue transforming the ways in which we live, work, and play with emerging technological advancements shaping our future and forcing us to adapt to a brand-new way of living. It can be difficult to predict how the constantly evolving digital landscape will fare in the next year but by taking a look at past progress and developments, certain trends begin to emerge. To find out how technology will impact 2022, continue reading.

  1. The move to a passwordless future

If you maintain an active presence across every major social media platform, you will be aware of how difficult it can be to remember upwards of 20 passwords just to be able to access your accounts on a regular basis. In 2022, however, the reality of a passwordless future is set to take shape with physical passwords no longer needed and greater online safety and security meaning the risk of cyberattacks, such as phishing and external hacks, is significantly reduced. This is also set to eliminate human error which, when it comes to passwords, has become a major contributing factor for cybersecurity breaches.

  1. The global deployment of 5G

In the past couple of years, the global deployment of 5G has had a monumental impact on telecommunications throughout the world. In 2022, however, it is set to make substantial progress as additional regions are exposed to the seemingly limitless potential of a future powered by 5G technology. This is poised to transform the ways in which consumers play an online game at an online casino, shop for goods and services at an e-commerce platform, and commute to and from work with a self-driving vehicle. It may still have progress to make before it becomes the norm but by fueling a brand-new era of technological innovation, 2022 is set to be a monumental year for 5G.

  1. The rise of the foldable screen

In the 2000s, there was a general belief that the bigger the screen was, the more impressive and powerful the device was. In the past couple of years and in 2022, in particular, however, foldable screens appear to have emerged as the latest and greatest technological advancement in an attempt to promote greater accessibility, flexibility, and practicality for a brand-new generation of consumers that are always on the go. It may be a far cry from the sleek and straight smartphone screens we are accustomed to but with the first few models achieving slow but steady success, the future of the foldable screen is set to be a bright one.

In 2022, technology is expected to continue advancing at a seemingly unstoppable pace as it transforms our lives in more ways than ever before. This will be particularly apparent, however, in the move to a passwordless future with physical passwords no longer necessary, the global deployment of 5G throughout the world, and, last but not least, the rise of the foldable screen as accessibility, flexibility, and practicality become fundamental concerns for consumers.