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Struggling with hearing loss? Try these strategies to stay connected

How to recognize the signs, understand your treatment options and harness the power of the latest tech

If you suspect you or someone you love may have hearing loss, you’re not alone. It’s a common condition that affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide. 

Hearing has a profound and positive impact on quality of life and long-term health. If you do have hearing loss, it’s important to treat it early.  

How will you know for sure? There are several symptoms to look out for: 

  • Difficulty following group conversations, or when background noise is present 
  • Having a hard time following phone conversations 
  • Asking others to repeat themselves, because people seem to mumble or speak softly 
  • Needing to turn up the volume on the TV, radio or phone constantly (others may comment that it’s too loud) 
  • Having difficulty hearing what people are saying if they’re not looking directly at you 
  • Finding it hard to locate sounds 
  • Experiencing ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears (tinnitus) 
  • Feeling tired at the end of the day after straining to hear 

Often, if you’re having difficulty hearing, you may make small adjustments in your daily life to compensate for your hearing loss.  

Studies have linked untreated hearing loss to an array of social and emotional consequences, including: 

  • Less social interaction and increased loneliness 
  • Weakened memory and a decreased ability to learn new tasks 
  • Reduced performance at work or school 
  • Tiredness, worry, stress and depression 
  • Reduced awareness and an increased risk to personal safety (while driving, for example) 

Get a professional opinion 

Don’t let hearing loss go untreated: start by taking HearingLife’s online hearing test. It only takes about five minutes and provides a quick assessment. 

The best next step would be to book a hearing test. This will help you get a better understanding of both the level and type of hearing loss, as well as what treatment options are available to you.  

HearingLife offers free hearing tests. You can expect to receive the following: 

  • A consultation with a certified hearing care professional 
  • A thorough hearing test with same-day results 
  • A selection of high-quality hearing aids from multiple brands 
  • A free 30-day hearing aid trial 
  • Replace
  • Personalized hearing care that also address conditions like Tinnitus and earwax, in addition to hearing loss
  • Their exclusive 360-AfterCare Guarantee, valid for three years after purchase. It includes everything you need to get the most out of your hearing aids, including free batteries. 

How technology can help  

Hearing aids have been shown to improve quality of life, self-confidence and social engagement. Learn more about how hearing aids can be life-changing

Today’s hearing aids are smaller and more technologically advanced than ever. Some are almost invisible and offer incredible sound quality, even in challenging listening situations.  

“We hear with our brains; they take all the input from our ears and translate it. If those pathways don’t get stimulated with sound, the longer they are deprived, the more difficult it is to adapt to hearing aids in the future,” says Katie Koebel, Audiologist, M.Cl.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, HearingLife Canada.  

“When paired with comprehensive hearing care, today’s advanced hearing aids are typically small and discreet, while being able to improve auditory experiences and restore meaningful connections.”  

Right now, you can save up to $1,700 on the latest hearing aids. Discounts vary by type and model; visit a clinic to find the best offer and perfect fit for your hearing needs. 

With two locations, in Orillia and Sault Ste. Marie, professional and customized hearing care is available in your neighbourhood. Book an appointment online or call 1-888-514-9515.

HearingLife - Orillia 
170 Memorial Avenue, Unit 4 
L3V 7M9 

HearingLife - Sault Ste. Marie  
154 Great Northern Road, Unit 4 
P6B 4Z1 
240 McNabb Street (in the basement of the Group Health Centre)